Beyond Lost: File Management & Data Protection
Have you ever felt lost while perusing your own computer files? It’s one thing to lose a PDF. It’s another thing to mistake files, delete information, or hoard unnecessary duplicates because you don’t have a consistent system in place for saving and organizing data. Add to that the files and metadata we produce without even noticing and it’s easy to see how anyone can lose perspective on the sensitive information we store on our personal computers. This workshop will discuss strategies for organizing, preserving, and securing data so that it remains accessible to you—and only you.
April 5th, 2017, 3:10-4:00pm, Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation, 4th floor Holland Library
Registration is not required for this workshop.
Bringing a laptop to work on is encouraged, but not required.
Questions? Please contact David Squires:
Digital Literacy Workshops
The CDSC offers a series of workshops for WSU students seeking hands-on instruction in the foundations of digital literacy. Facility with digital tools is a fundamental prerequisite for joining any contemporary profession and, as with reading and writing skills, college instructors across the disciplines expect students to arrive on campus with a foundational level of digital literacy. These workshops help all students meet those expectations, regardless of major.