CDSC Spring Symposium 2019
Reframing Landscapes: Digital Practices and Place-based Learning
Landscapes are persistent and dynamic characters in our lives, yet they often go unexamined. We may easily take for granted the crisscrossed and subdivided roadways, zoning ordinances, waterways, and cultural assumptions that give shape to our online maps and automated GPS systems. At the heart of WSU’s land grant mission is the idea that places matter, that they have a history, that our relationships to places are deeply connected to the people with whom we share them and the histories that animate them. But how can we better make places a conscious factor in our scholarship and research, our decision-making, our teaching, and our community-building efforts that extend beyond the University landscapes? How can we reframe landscapes that are indelibly marked by colonial and violent histories? The 2019 Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation’s Spring Symposium will highlight projects both external and internal to WSU that seek to reframe assumed narratives, representations, and relationships to and with place, new digital projects and techniques, and innovative pedagogical practices with an eye toward collaborations and meaningful partnerships.
Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation, WSU Libraries, WSU English Department, WSU History Department, WSU College of Education, WSU Native Programs
March 4th: Day 1 Symposium (FACEBOOK EVENT)
- Monday, March 4th, 10:00am-3:00pm
- CUB Junior Ballroom
10:00am Welcome, Dr. Kimberly Christen, Director, Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation
Sara Siestreem, Adjunct Instructor, Art Practices, Portland State University
Sara Siestreem is an artist who creates abstract paintings through a combination of color field painting, automatic drawing, and an incorporation of symbology. Through her work, she portrays the interconnectedness of nature and expression through patterns and repetition. Her work is represented by Augen Gallery in Portland, Oregon, and she received her MFA from Pratt Art Institute. Siestrem teaches studio arts at Portland State University and Traditional Indigenous Weaving Practices for The Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians.
Dr. Mishuana Goeman, Associate Professor, Gender Studies; Chair, American Indian Studies Interdepartmental Program and Associate Director, American Indian Studies
Research Center
Dr. Mishuana Goeman, Tonawanda Band of Seneca, is an Associate Professor of Gender Studies, Chair of American Indian Studies Interdepartmental Program, Associate Director of American Indian Studies Research Center, and the new Special Advisor to the Chancellor on Native American and Indigenous Affairs at UCLA. She is the author of Mark My Words: Native Women Mapping Our Nations (University of Minnesota Press, 2013) and a Co-PI on two community based digital projects, Mapping Indigenous L.A (2015) and Carrying Our Ancestors Home (2019).
Dr. Roopika Risam, Assistant Professor of English and the Faculty Fellow for Digital Library Initiatives at Salem State University
Roopika Risam is an Assistant Professor of English at Salem State University where she serves as Faculty Fellow for Digital Library Initiatives, Coordinator of the Digital Studies
Graduate Program, and Coordinator of the Secondary English Education Program. Her research interests include postcolonial, African American, and US ethnic studies, as well as the role of the digital humanities in these areas. Risam is the author of New Digital Worlds: Postcolonial Digital Humanities in Theory, Praxis, and Pedagogy (Northwestern UP, 2018), co-editor of Debates in the Digital Black Atlantic for the Debates in the Digital Humanities series, and works on multiple digital projects, including The Harlem Shadows Project, Visualizing Du Bois, and Digital Salem.
Ethnographic Mapping and Indigenous Cartographies
Dr. Brian Thom, Associate Professor, Anthropology, University of Victoria
Brian Thom is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Victoria where he founded the Ethnographic Mapping Lab
(https://ethnographicmapping.uvic.ca). Our lab is a centre for collaboration between Indigenous communities, UVic faculty, and graduate students to work on cartographic projects that attend to Indigenous priorities in land and resource rights, inter-generational knowledge sharing, and public education. We work to provide extensive training and expertise for Indigenous communities interesting in deploying Google Earth Google Earth and related tools for re-storying Indigenous landscapes.
Reframing Landscapes Roundtable: Perspectives from the Plateau (FACEBOOK EVENT)
Elson S. Floyd Cultural Center
Welcome to Floyd Center, Paula Groves-Price, Associate Dean for Diversity and International Programs; Professor, Cultural Studies and Social Thought in Education; Elson S. Floyd Cultural Center Scholar in Residence
Introduction to Panel, Zoe Higheagle Strong, Director, Plateau Center for Native American Research and Collaborations; Director of Tribal Relations and special assistant to the provost, WSU
Bobbi Rose (Spokan), Archives and Collections Assistant Manager, Spokane Tribal Preservation Program
Michael Holloman (Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation), Associate Professor, Fine Arts, Washington State University
Nakia Williamson (Nez Perce) Cultural Resources Program Director, Nez Perce Tribe
Moderated by Dr. Kimberly Christen, Director, Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation
Reception following Roundtable at 5:30
March 5th: Day 2 Workshops (Facebook Event)
- Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation, 4th Floor, Holland Library
Using Scalar for History and Perceptions of Place with Andrew Gillreath-Brown, PhD Candidate, Department of Anthropology, WSU
Digital Storytelling with Rebecca Goodrich, Senior Instructor in English; Assistant Director of Digital Technology and Culture, WSU
StoryMaps with David Bolingbroke, PhD Candidate, Department of History, WSU
Panel: Place-based Pedagogy
A discussion of ideas for incorporating place into teaching.
Kate Watts, Senior Instructor; Interim Assistant Director of Composition, Department of English, WSU
Debbie Lee, Regents Professor & Assistant Director of the Visiting Writer Series, Department of English, WSU
Trevor Bond, Head, WSU Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections; Co-director, Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation
Jeff Sanders, Associate Professor, Department of History, WSU