Digital Literacy Workshops
The CDSC offers a series of workshops for WSU students seeking hands-on instruction in the foundations of digital literacy. Facility with digital tools is a fundamental prerequisite for joining any contemporary profession and, as with reading and writing skills, college instructors across the disciplines expect students to arrive on campus with a foundational level of digital literacy. These workshops help all students meet those expectations, regardless of major.

Navigating the Library
November 7th, 2016, 3:10-4:30pm
Research libraries create complex information ecosystems that include digital resources, special collections, and general stacks. This workshop will help participants navigate various parts of the Holland/Terrell Library. Expect a scavenger hunt with prizes. Led by Dr. David Squires, Visiting Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities, English Department and Digital Technology and Culture Program.

Registration is not required for this workshop.
Bringing a laptop to work on is encouraged, but not required.

Questions? Please contact David Squires:

Digital Literacy: Ethics & Information Use
Digital Literacy: Finding truth in a Web of Lies