Architect Ellis Lawrence’s Support Letter

Photograph of the typed version of Architect Ellis Lawrence’s Support Letter.

His Honor, the Mayor
George L. Baker,
City Hall
Portland, Oregon

Dear Mayor Baker: –

I have noted in press reports, that the City Engineer has been instructed to prepare plans for the Incinerator.

I write to urge that an architect also be employed, in order that the appearance of the structure may be creditable to the city. I am sure the expense involved in doing the design and cooperating with the City Engineer, would be nominal.

As you know, te architencts are suffering extremely from the depression, and the tendency to eliminate their services, we feel should be consistently fought.

Only a trained designer can be expected to give due consideration to the appearance of public buildings.

The policy of President Hoover in regard to public work is too well known for me to stress the point, but it is obvious that government should not interfere with private business any more than is necessary, and under no condition should government be deprived of the skill of the best professional services of it’s citizens.

Therefore I hope your honorable body will give due consideration to my request that private architects be employed int he design of the Incinerator.

Your very truly,

Ellis Lawrence
