Featured Resources/Big Dam Resources

This section includes informational fact sheets about big dams on the Columbia and around the world. Click on Big Dam resources to your left and find images, documents, and video presentations from the day-long conference, “Reversing the Flow: Big Dams, Power, and People in Global Perspective.”

Power lines at Bonneville Dam, ca. 1950s. Image courtesy of Army Corps of Engineers


The Columbia River Basin, Physical Characteristics and History

Bonneville Dam and the Cascade Rapids

Grand Coulee Dam and Kettle Falls

The Dalles Dam and Celilo Falls


The Amazon River Basin and the Tucurui Dam (South America)

The Narmada River and the Sardar Sarovar Dam (India)

The Volta River Basin and the Akosombo Dam (Ghana)

The Yangtze River and Three Gorges Dam (China)
