Go to the Source and Questions to Consider: Columbia Slough, Part 1

  • What role do sloughs play in the Columbia Basin ecosystem? Is this a significant role? Why or why not?
  • Describe the geography of the Columbia Slough. What role does the slough play in the human geography of the Portland area?
  • What kinds of animal and plant life does the slough support?
  • What resources did native peoples on the Columbia floodplain use for subsistence?
  • What role did the slough play in human settlement in the Portland area?
  • How did different groups view the Columbia Slough? Native people? Lewis and Clark?
  • How did Oregon Territory come into the possession of the United States?

Accounts of the Vanport Flood

  • President Truman speaks at the Civic Auditorium after the Vanport Flood
  • How did the Corps of Engineers propose changing the Columbia Slough?
  • What meaning did ending isolation on the North Portland Peninsula have for community members? How do you think that may or may not have affected views of the Columbia Slough?
  • What was the role of the Columbia Slough and nearby lands during World War II?
  • How did Vanport City fit into Columbia Slough communities?
  • What obstacles did Vanport residents face? What were some of the benefits of living in Vanport?
  • Compare Manly Maben’s “Life at Vanport” with Ed Washington’s Oral History recalling life at Vanport as a child.
  • How did the Corps of Engineers respond to the flood threat at Vanport?
  • What role did post-Vanport Flood efforts play in changing the geography of the Columbia Slough?
  • Has comprehensive river development prevented flooding on the Columbia? To what degree?
  • What are three positive and three negative impacts of comprehensive river development?
  • What measures have been taken to prevent flooding in slough communities? Do you think they are effective? Why or why not?

Next Page: Survival on the Slough
