“Group Seeks Full Utilization of McNary Features,” Hermiston Herald March 5, 1953

Hermiston Herald, March 5, 1953


Hermiston chamber of commerce will actively back a movement to bring increased irrigation to this area by full use of McNary Dam’s potentialities.

This was decided by the group after a speech by E. P. Dodd last Monday night at the group’s monthly meeting, in which he charged them, as businessmen, with the responsibility of bringing added revenue to this community and general area.

Lee Quiring, newly-appointed secretary-manager of the chamber agreed to begin work on the dual problem of attracting new industry to this area and seeking development of the irrigational features for which the construction of McNary dam was originally sought. According to Dodd, the Umatilla Rapids Association, formed in the 1920’s sought the erection of a dam for irrigational purposes only. The idea later developed to include power, navigation and recreation.

A board of directors meeting shall be held shortly to start work on the proposal.

Also on the heavy chamber agenda Monday night was a brief, but clear and interesting report on the Hermiston school district, given by A. O. Larive.

Upon repeated suggestions, the board of directors will also consider establishing an additional work meeting date for the group.
