1913 Diary of Flora Hills

1913 Diary of Flora Hills

Flora Hills lived near Cottage Grove six miles above Oakridge. Notice how often she mentions rain in this selection from her diary. Hills’s complete diary can be found at the Lane County Museum.

8 Rained. Lawrence and I took cows to Oakridge and went to church and Sunday School. Stopped at Franks for dinner. Louisa’s birthday.
9 Rained. Pa and Lawrence and I worked on meathouse till evening. Then we went on scout. L. D. and I got one (deer).
10 Cleared up. Pa went to Oakridge after Mr. Wheeler and Clough.
11 Good day. Pa started with team and wagon with Clough, Bakes Wheeler, and another man–got as far as E— and stopped to stay all night. Pa came home on Snucums.
12 Good day. Pa went to Oakridde after mail on Snucums. Went to Rigdon Ranch in the afternoon.
13 Just rained most all day. Lawrence and I went to Frank’s.
14 Rained. Lawrence and I are here alone.
15 Rained. Lawrence and I alone.
16 Rained. Pa, Clough, and the three other men came from Rigdon Ranch.
17 Rained. Pa took one of the men to the train. The rest stayed here.
18 Rained. Pa took all of the men to the train for Portland.
19 Rained. Lawrence and I took Pa to the train and we stayed all night at Earl’s. Jesse Flock took care of chores.
20 Rained. Hallie came home from Portland. We came home after we ate dinner at Earl’s.
21 Rained hard. We went to a dance at Wood Hall.
22 Rained. Pa came home from Portland.
23 Rained. Worked on pump house.
24 Rained. Worked on pump house. Danforth and Ross came from Willow Creek to go to Portland.
25 Rained a little—sun shone a little. Pa took Cruisers to train. John Kelly came up.
26 Rained. Went to Oakridge. Got gasoline engine pump.
27 Rained. Worked putting up pump, engine, and water tank. Pa, John Kelly, Frank Lewis, and Mr. Chamberland did the work.
28 Rained. Worked on engine. Pa went to Eugene.
29 Rained. Worked on engine and pump. Jessie came.
30 Rained. Worked on pump.

1 Rained. Worked on pump. Jesse Flock made stairway.
2 Rained. Finished pump.
3 Rained.
4 Cleared up. Jessie, Sell, Loran, Charley, Vina, Erma, Earl Grace, Frank, Emma, Cliff, Belle, Ronald, and Abrims were all here for dinner. VanMeters and Howards came and set up camp.
5 Good day. Jessie, Vina, and I went in hack to Kitson Springs. Also Grace went on Sundown. Took our dinners.
6 Good day. Mrs. Kelly and her party came to go to Lake Crescent.
7 Good day but warm. Hallie and Lawrence went to secret camp in pasture. Got ponies. I got word Mother was very sick and I went to Fall Creek.
8 Clouded up. Emma, Lina, and I were at Olies to see Mother. Pa, Mrs. Ke11y, and party started for Crescent Lake.
9 Still cloudy. Emma and I came home—came up from Oakridge with Billy Hill.
10 Good day. Picked Blackberries.
11 Good day. Pa rode Snucums from Crescent Lake today and got home about 5 o’clock.
