

Reading the Bible every day is a wonderful practice that benefits every Christian in numerous ways. Three main benefits will be discussed in this article.


We're fed by the Word
When we study the Bible, we are supplied by God's Word, and nourished with the necessary resources for the Christian life. Jesus spoke about this in Matthew 4:4 where He said:

"Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out through the mouth of God."

Other passages of the Bible are also clear that God's Word is a source of nourishment for us. For instance, 1 Peter 2:2 states,

"As newborn babes, long for the guileless milk of the word in order that by it you may grow unto salvation."
In the Old Testament, Jeremiah 15:16 declares,

"Your words were found and I ate them, and Your word became to me the gladness and joy of my heart."
When we consume food that is physical is filled with the essential nutrients needed to be healthy and live a long life. We have the energy to get to work or work out, as well as spend time with friends and family. However, if we miss eating a meal, we are tired, weak and sometimes even cranky. If we don't eat regularly, we can feel tired, weak, and even meals, we are more susceptible to more serious issues, such as illness.

Similar to eating spiritual food, we're able to live a Christian life. When we're off from the Word of God for a time and we're spiritually weak, exhausted, or "grumpy," or, not able to deal with difficulties effectively. We are more prone to doubts, temptations and other forms of spiritual illness. We don't have the resources to cope with the multitude of problems that can arise in our lives as Christians.

It is crucial, therefore that we are fed through taking in and feeding off God's Word daily. To live a healthy and even happy Christian life, we must engage in regular Bible reading in order to get the spiritual nourishment that God's Word has for us.

We're washed by the Word
What happens if we don't comprehend the meaning of what we're reading? It's possible to wonder if we should continue reading the Bible. Maybe we're frustrated since by the time we're finished, we've lost the information we had have read earlier in the day. Do we need to keep reading even though we're not sure what we read?

The answer is yes certainly. This is due to the fact that a major benefit of studying the Bible of God's Word is the fact that it cleanses us.

Ephesians 5:26 says,
"That He might sanctify her, cleansing her by the washing of the water in the word."

"The "her" here is the church, which is comprised of all followers of Christ the phrase "the washing of the water in the word" in this verse is a different thing from the washing of sins through the blood of Christ. What exactly do you mean by this cleansing?

Here's the note 3 that this passage from the Recovery Version says about the washing of waters within the Word:
"The wash of water in this instance differs from washing with Christ's redeeming blood Christ. The blood of redemption cleanses us of all our transgressions (1 John 1:7; Rev. 7:14) while the life-giving water removes the blemishes from the normal life of our elderly man, like wrinkles, spots or other such thing that are mentioned in the verse. 27. When it comes to separating and sanctifying the church, Jesus first cleanses us of our sins by his blood (Heb. 13:12) and then cleanses our natural imperfections by His blood. We are currently in an act of washing, so to ensure that the church is clean and free of blemishes (v. 27)."

We can be sure that we require the washing of our sins with the blood of the Lord But we must also come to understand that we also require the cleansing of our life's natural habits by His sacrifice. How can we obtain this life-changing cleansing? The life-giving water that is washes us is found in God's Word. Even if we fail to recall or comprehend what we learned every day, our Bible reading will cleanse us from a myriad of negative thoughts.

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We're taught with the Word
Our faith is not based on our thoughts or ideas but on the Scriptures of God It is therefore essential for us as Christians be aware of what God's Word has to say. If we read the Word frequently and regularly, we'll eventually be able to read the entirety of the Bible and gain a fundamental understanding about God and the ways of God. The process of gaining this understanding is like mastering our ABCs. If we don't know the alphabet's letters then it's difficult to write or read. To comprehend even the most basic book or to write an alphabet, we must learn the ABCs.
Understanding the Bible is like learning the spiritual alphabet. The ability to comprehend the terms, facts stories, expressions, and stories found in the Bible gives our minds the foundations that which the Lord will employ to help us understand the truth of His Word. This allows us to get to become acquainted with Him in a more intimate way and helps Him to communicate with us in a deeper and more profound way through His Word.

God has provided us with an incredible and amazing present in his Word. Through reading the Bible the Bible, we're not only spiritually educated, but also cleaned and fed. If you're looking for assistance in studying the Bible frequently read our article on how to establish the habit of daily Bible reading.