
What Can an Emergency Dentist Do For Your Teeth?

Emergency dental care is sometimes necessary in cases of acute or ongoing pain. Fillings can cause ongoing discomfort once the numbness wears off, as can problems with your bite alignment. A visit to an emergency dentist can ensure the best possible outcome. Emergency dental care also helps in preventing further damage to your teeth and gums. However, if you have any questions, you should call a dentist and make an appointment.

Abscessed teeth

Abscessed teeth are a serious dental emergency, and you need to see an emergency dentist Brisbane as soon as possible. An untreated abscess can become dangerous if it spreads. The infection may spread to other parts of the body and even cause sepsis, which is life-threatening. If you notice signs of a tooth abscess, you should visit an emergency dentist for immediate treatment.

Chipped or fractured teeth

If you have a cracked or chipped tooth, you may be wondering what your options are. Although the severity of damage will vary, there are a few common solutions for chipped and fractured teeth. If the tooth is small, it can usually be repaired during an office visit. A tooth that is badly damaged, however, may require a more extensive and costly procedure. This article will explain how to repair broken teeth and what your options are.

Tooth decay

Tooth decay can be a serious problem, and requires immediate attention. Tooth decay can cause an infection, which can spread throughout the mouth and affect the nerve in the tooth. The infection itself is often painful, with severe toothaches. Emergency dentists can help ease the pain and restore damaged teeth. They can also provide fillings to alleviate any swelling or pain. Emergency dentists are highly trained professionals who can help you save a tooth and get it back to normal as soon as possible.

Missing fillings

A missing filling can be painful and expose the tooth's soft tissue, which can lead to further degeneration. If you have lost a filling, you should call an emergency dental Brisbane right away. A dentist will have the ability to repair the tooth without removing it, but you should not delay your appointment. You should visit a dentist as soon as possible if you are experiencing unmanageable pain, an unusual odor, or drainage.

Gum disease

The symptoms of gum disease can range from a dull ache to a sharp pain that pierces the jaw. The pain may also radiate to the sides of the face. This is a sign that gum disease has spread to other areas of the body. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is best to seek urgent care from an emergency dentist. Often, gum disease can lead to serious complications and may even require surgery.

Loose teeth

An emergency dentist for loose teeth should be contacted immediately if you suspect that your tooth may be in danger of falling out. Getting orthodontics Sydney treatment as quickly as possible will minimize your pain and maximize your chances of saving your tooth. You should also avoid chewing on the loose side or eating sticky, hard, or chewy food. You may be able to loosen your loose tooth by brushing and flossing it first. It can also be useful to swish warm water around your mouth to remove debris and reduce bacterial buildup.

Repositioning a tooth

Repositioning a tooth by an emergency dental care provider is essential in many cases. A partially dislocated tooth may require immediate attention. If the tooth is broken, a cold compress and gauze should be used to reduce swelling and pain. Pain may be relieved by taking an over-the-counter pain killer. If the tooth has become loose, it may need a dental splint.